Yesterday was a big day. After about six weeks of private beta testing involving our crew and numerous loyal users, we’ve finally released iBiz 4 to the public — as a beta. Its amazing how much time and effort goes into a major release. The documentation has to be updated (although not done yet for… Read More

Last Friday we reached a significant milestone with iBiz 4 – we reached beta status!  We contacted our private beta testers and got them their first look at the new app. One user is enjoying the new iCal syncing, which he says it is working great. We still have a list of small UI tweaks… Read More

I promised I would write about iBiz 4, so here it is… I’ve been dealing with a lot of invoices coming to IGG, bills for ads we run, our iBank retail box costs and all sorts of things and I often ask for a statement showing what invoices they’ve sent and what payments of mine… Read More