iBank has long had French language support. But when we released iBank 4, we removed all localizations because we made so many changes to the underlying code that we needed completely new sets of translations. Now I’m pleased to announce that iBank 4.2.1, which is just around the corner, will have complete French localization (except for the help files).

For us English-speaking developers, what is perhaps more interesting than the actual localization is the mechanism by which we did it. As Cocoa developers know, the usual way to localize an app is to maintain multiple copies of NIB files for each supported language (NIB files are used for loading the majority of user interface elements). This approach, while easy to do, is plagued with long- and even short-term problems. So we decided to use a more dynamic method described by Wil Shipley.

While this approach isn’t without its own flaws, the benefits seem to far outweigh the costs. We contributed some code to Mr. Shipley’s DMLocalizedNibBundle.m file to support translating toolbars, table view columns and tab views. You can ask him for it.

So that’s a brief update about French coming to iBank 4.


P.S. I’m looking forward to having some screenshots from iBank Investor to share, but we aren’t quite there yet.



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6 comments on “iBank en Français

  • Great!
    Many persons were disappointed in France to use english instead of french for this wonderful software. Their rates are very bad on the french App Store. Wainting now for the iPad version. Thanks guy!

  • Great news: my 70+ years old mother did not want to use the English version!
    You’ll get her as new customer right away. Not sure it pays for the localization, but it’s a start.
    Please could you notify me when version is released so she can purchase it.

  • Why waste money creating an App for the IPhone when one already exists from any brokerage firm. I use Fidelity and can place trades on my Iphone. You are just reinventing the wheel.

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