There is always lots of talk on our forums about iBank in its current release and future releases.  I’m here to provide some info about what we’re working on.    The obvious next chapter in iBank is version 4.  While we haven’t “broken code” on it yet, we are in the early planning and resourcing… Read More

I just wanted to give an update.  We are working hard on iBank integration with the iPhone.  We have the shell of an application up and running. Some of the infrastructure is in place and we are working to finish the rest.  The big item for this next week is hooking up the database. We got a… Read More

But, I am here to say that I am working full time on an iPhone app to work with iBank.  Now, I have been in the industry to long enough to remember that Windows 98 was originally Windows 97.  I also remember Apple’s cool next generation OS, Copeland, which would ship in the 20th century. … Read More