The recent debate about the rising level of student debt is a big cause for concern. Between the cost of tuition and other living related expenses, college will leave you with huge debts that will take you a long time to clear. Most parents are even preferring community college over universities as they also offer… Read More

How to Save Money for a Successful Future

As you look across the Internet for financial advice, most sites boil it down to a few simple guidelines: spend less than you earn, invest in yourself, and track your spending on a regular basis. The more you read through the long articles, the more you’re thinking to yourself: “That’s just common sense. I know… Read More

Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies explained

This article was written for our Personal Finance 101 library by guest writer Brian Thomas.  Cryptocurrencies operate as decentralized digital assets exchanged over the internet in the form of highly divisible coins. Many cryptocurrencies are backed up by blockchain technology which records their transactions into distributed ledgers. Starting with Bitcoin in 2009 and growing into… Read More

Whether you’re saving for retirement, a wedding or even just a holiday, saving can be difficult. Half the time we’re fighting with the temptation to spend our hard earned cash on new clothes, tech or going out, and the other half the time we’re spending money fixing things that have gone wrong; the car, the… Read More

The beginning of the year is always a time of goals and resolutions. Everyone is brimming with endless possibilities, hoping to start afresh and make the most of the clean slate set before them. The euphoria of a new year usually has most people feeling that everything is possible and this year can be different… Read More